
My Kadence Child Theme is for anyone who wants to easily and intuitively create an advanced blog or magazine home page without needing to do any coding. The layouts are built by using the Gutenberg editor and the Kadence Blocks plugin which includes an additional set of blocks.



Ideal for small blog

  • 1 Home Page Layout – starter content
  • Full Kadence Theme Features: Header & Footer Builder, Advanced Layout Settings, Header & Footer Builder, Live Editing
  • Additional styles for Kadence Blocks
  • Advanced settings for cards presenting your articles on home page and archives.
  • Fully responsive
  • Kadence Blocks (free) integration
Blockfold Premium

$ 49

ideal for blog and magazines

  • 3 predefined Homepage layouts with different design
  • One Click Demo Import – fill your site with content in one click
  • Full Kadence Theme Features: Header & Footer Builder, Advanced Layout Settings, Header & Footer Builder, Live Editing
  • Fully customizable without coding: global Color Palette, Typography, Buttons and much more
  • Kadence Blocks (free) integration
  • Additional styles for Kadence Blocks
  • Advanced settings for cards presenting your articles on home page and archives.
  • Fully responsive
  • Predefined Layouts & Sections
Easy installation and configuration in minutes

You can install each theme and all plugins on your self-hosted WordPress in a few clicks. With just one click, you will easily be able to import demos.

Exciting Features of Blockfold

The theme uses all the options available in Kadence Theme, such as the Drag & Drop Heading and footer Editor, the possibility of defining the layouts of the individual pages and entries, as well as the possibility of configuring the sidebars.

Live Editing

Visual design makes it easier to design website with drag and drop feature.

One Click Demo Import

Fill your site with content in one click [premium]

Header & Footer Builder

Visual design makes it easier to design website with drag and drop feature.

Predefined Layouts & Sections

 block patterns and one click demo imports