About Canvi + Kadence
Canvi is child theme for the Kadence Theme [free] A child theme allows you to change many aspects of your site’s appearance yet still preserve your theme’s functionality. Kadence Theme is necessary for Canvi. Installing the WordPress child theme is no different than installing any other WordPress theme. WordPress will automatically try to install the parent theme (Kadence) because it’s available on WordPress.org. You can also install parent theme by using kadence.zip file whcih you can find in the bundle.
Installing Kadence Theme
Here is how you will install your parent theme. After downloading the Canvi bundle file, extract it and in the extracted folder locate the kadence.zip file. You can then install the Kadence theme using one of the two following installation methods:
- WordPress upload – For most users, this is probably the simplest installation method. To install the Canvi theme using this method, please follow these steps:
- Login to your WordPress admin panel
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
- Click on Choose File and select kadence.zip
- Click on Install Now
- FTP upload – If you would like to install the Kadence theme via FTP, please follow these steps:
- Extract the Canvi.zip file you previously located. You should now see a folder named Canvi
- Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
- Using an FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website’s root directory
- Using an FTP client, upload the previously extracted kadence folder to the themes directory on your remote server
Installing Canvi
After downloading the Canvi installation file, extract it and in the extracted folder locate the Canvi.zip file. You can then install the Canvi theme using one of the two following installation methods:
- WordPress upload – For most users, this is probably the simplest installation method. To install the Canvi theme using this method, please follow these steps:
- Login to your WordPress admin panel
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
- Click on Choose File and select Canvi.zip
- Click on Install Now
- After that remeber to activate Canvi theme
- FTP upload – If you would like to install the Canvi theme via FTP, please follow these steps:
- Extract the Canvi.zip file you previously located. You should now see a folder named Canvi
- Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
- Using an FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website’s root directory
- Using an FTP client, upload the previously extracted Canvi folder to the themes directory on your remote server